Thursday, December 30, 2010

2 Free Interactive Storybooks

Story Time For Me is giving away 2 FREE multimedia storybooks for kids- the stories are wonderful and engaging with excellent vocabulary. These interactive storybooks are truly a first rate selection of well written literature aimed at 2 age groups, preschool-4 and 4-8.

With features such as word or phrase highlighting, auto read or manual modes, clickable keywords to hear repeats, and vocabulary picture associations your child will grow in their confidence as a reader. Additional functions such as polls, activities and community videos, discussion questions and an art room expand on each stories theme and really let a child indulge in their own creativity.

I love this site and my 22 month old will watch and repeat the words when I click on them. It really is a great way to expand her growing vocabulary. I hope you check it out and let me know what you think about it.


So many thoughts

running through my brain. I am having some trouble focusing on any one thing. It’s like the craziness of the holidays has engulfed me. I have schoolwork to correct, a house to put to order, a tugging pain in my heart for a unknown child in the Father’s arms, a rebellious son wreaking havoc, thoughts of inadequacy, and physical ailments to top it all off. In short I am exhausted, cranky, frustrated, angry, sad and my back is killing me (ice is my friend right now). I hopefully will be able to form a coherent thought in the next few days. Right now I just want to point out I have some reviews coming up, we had a lovely Christmas that turned into something  atrocious, and we were all sick with head colds. Happy New Year everybody! May this year be the last year I give Santa credit when it is God who is Glorified.  We are so very blessed by the Almighty even in (especially) our times of suffering.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Christmas Card to You

We love and appreciate you all.

Some of you only know us through this blog and others are frequent visitors to the various homeschool yahoo groups I am on and we have gotten to be closer. Some are also friends on Facebook and Twitter and have shared in some of our ups and downs as we share in yours. I am glad to call you all friends. Some of you are even my friends IRL (in real life) and I cherish those friendships as well. God chose each and everyone of you to be in our lives for a reason and for that I am grateful.

You have blessed us in ways unimaginable, oh Lord. Your angels here on earth hold us when we feel far from you.

Click to play this Smilebox greeting
Create your own greeting - Powered by Smilebox
Personalize your own free ecard

Merry Christmas to all my Earth Angels!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Caught Santa Contest

Imagine the look on your child’s face when you can give them the proof they need to keep the belief in Santa alive. does just that by combining your room photo and their Santa pose into a picture that is truly worth a thousand words. They have other characters you can catch if you are not of the Santa persuasion too!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Oliver’s Labels – Tomoson Review

I have kids, kids tend to lose things. Lost things can be a big problem.
Oliver’s Labels = problem solved
Oliver's Labels makes high quality waterproof labels and tags to stick on all your kids' stuff. Our labels are dishwasher & laundry safe and will never fade, scuff or peel.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tiny Planets – TOS Review

Product: Tiny Planets Website
Company: My Tiny Planets Ltd.
Price: Free to various pricing options.               Ages: 4-12
I’d like to introduce you to a couple of my friends. Meet Bing and Bong, the loveable duo who takes your child on a trip around their galaxy. Along the way your child will be able to visit 6 planets, learning “to think for themselves, assume social responsibility, take care of our planet and learn about the mysteries of space.”

Monday, December 13, 2010

ALEKS – TOS Review

I always hated math in school. It was truly my worst subject. Not because I didn’t understand it but because early on I was taught to hate it. I remember it well. I was in 2nd grade and was so proud of myself for finishing more than I had to. When I turned it in and my teacher saw I had done more than assigned she rapped my knuckles with a wooden ruler. I was mortified and from that day hated math. As I progressed in school I only did just enough to get by in all subjects and math remained my worst subject. I would avoid it and subsequently get behind.
Fast forward 25 years and I am teaching my children math. My oldest seems to fly through it and my middle child drags his feet. I have used a few different types of programs to try to fix what the schools missed (with my oldest, 9th grade) and broke (in my 3rd grader).
Enter ALEX. I love this program…

Saturday, December 04, 2010

I gave Joy to the World when I....

birthed my 3 beautiful children. My daughter, who is almost 2, & my sons, who are 8 and 15. We have had our ups and downs with medical issues and money problems but through it all my children have reflected God’s love. They are so happy all the time even if something less than what they expect has happened. I sometimes think God gave me this particular children just so he could see me laugh. All of my children have a humor streak a mile wide and for that I am grateful. I love to hear my 8 year old laughing turned high pitch squeal, to see my 15 year old  with tears streaming down his cheeks while laughing without sound, and to watch as my giggly baby girl chases everyone who will be chased. All ending up in a pile of laughing children on the floor. Yep, I thank God for the joy he has sent to this world through me, he knew I would need it.



Friday, December 03, 2010

Toms of Maine Buzz

I love finding new things that fit wonderfully into my life. Tom’s of Maine is one of those things. They are a company that makes personal care products with our future in mind. From using natural ingredients to ingredient disclosure Tom’s is helping to do their part to conserve our resources and be responsible.
Tom’s of Maine:
 Toothpaste, Dental Floss,    Mouthwash, Deodorant, & Soap
“Good people making
Responsible Choices


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