I was so excited to be awarded this by
Pretty Girl In a Place Like This. It is always nice to be encouraged that you make a difference to someone. I hope my blog has been encouraging to others. I know I don’t always post the most exciting things but I do try to post honestly.
On to the "
rules" of this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Answer 10 questions
3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award
The 10 Questions... 1. Why did you create this blog? I started my blog as a way to vent and mainly to write. I used to write a lot but since having children rarely hand the time. I have since changed the main purpose of my blog. Since we began homeschooling almost 2 years ago I have gone through many changes and so has my blog. Right now it’s part review, part record, part rejoicing, and a whole lot of God.
2. What kinds of blogs do you follow? My favorite are Christian, Home Schooling and Crafting
3. Favorite make-up brand?You know it’s funny, I have a lot. BeautiControl, Mary Kay, NYC and Neutrogena are my favorites BUT I never wear any of it anymore.
4. Favorite clothing brand?
Modest clothes by New Creations and a few local resale shops.
5. Indispensable makeup product? I do have to have a good silky lip ointment/gloss.
6. Favorite color? I love color period but I suppose my absolute favorite is purple.
7. Favorite perfume?
That is easy, it is actually one I was given by my sister. She did not like it and so I took it, tried it and love it. It is Glass by BeautiControl.
8. Favorite film?I have very eclectic tastes in film. I tend to gravitate to those that have strong characters. My absolute favorite would be Sense and Sensibility. I adore Austen.
9. What country would you like to visit and why?My dream is to visit Ireland and England. I would also love to visit The places Jesus walked and places spoken about in the OT. The first is because I think they are the most beautiful places in the world. The second is a love of history and understanding God’s word.
10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face? Since I rarely wear it I suppose mascara on one eye since it would be less noticeable.
Now onto the people I will be sending this to:
Faith, Family & Fun Dad's Homeschool GarageHsKubes Haven at HomeInfertilityMomLife With A Little SassMaking a House a HomeBecky DaysMandy